Portrait name title phone e-mail function
Matthias Albiez
Dr.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 42206 matthias albiez does-not-exist.kit edu Joining and Bonding Technology, Hybrid Construction Methods, Teaching Organization
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Lauterbach
Dr.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 47826 stefan lauterbach does-not-exist.kit edu Gerüstbau
Daniel C. Ruff
Dr.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 43647 daniel ruff does-not-exist.kit edu Industry Project Management, Large-Scale Tests, Certification Decisions, Trapezoidal Profiles, Connections, Solar Fasteners
Jürgen Schmied
Dipl.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 46000 juergen schmied does-not-exist.kit edu Sandwich Panels, Glass and Plastic Construction, Fire Tests, External Monitoring, Laboratory Tests
Philipp Weidner
Dr.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 47512 philipp weidner does-not-exist.kit edu Fatigue, Joining and Welding, Hollow Sections, Non-Destructive Testing, Monitoring DIN EN 1090
Wissenschaftliche und technische Mitarbeiter/innen
Portrait Name Titel Tel. E-Mail
Adrian Münch
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 44076 adrian muench does-not-exist.kit edu
Alexander Britner
Dipl.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 42259 alexander britner does-not-exist.kit edu
M.Sc. Anja Matt
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47847 anja matt does-not-exist.kit edu
Anna Kuon
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47832 anna wallner does-not-exist.kit edu
Benjamin Seyfried
M.Sc. (SFI/IWE) +49 721 608 - 47843 benjamin seyfried does-not-exist.kit edu
Christian Funk
Dr. rer. nat. +49 721 608 - 44074 christian funk does-not-exist.kit edu
Diba Hadziahmetovic
M. Sc. +49 721 608 - 42207 diba kopic does-not-exist.kit edu
Elizabet Schwarz
+49 721 608 - 47808 elizabet schwarz does-not-exist.kit edu
Eva Korrmann
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) +49 721 608 - 42214 eva korrmann does-not-exist.kit edu
Hans Eirich
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47812 hans eirich does-not-exist.kit edu
Jakob Boretzki
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 43571 jakob boretzki does-not-exist.kit edu
Jannis Damm
Dr.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 42212 jannis damm does-not-exist.kit edu
Jonathan Barton
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47830 jonathan barton does-not-exist.kit edu
Julian Pappenberger, M.Sc.
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47811 julian pappenberger does-not-exist.kit edu
Kai Betz
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47834 kai betz does-not-exist.kit edu
Katrin Armbruster
Dipl.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 46113 katrin armbruster does-not-exist.kit edu
Lukas Schneider
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47819 lukas schneider does-not-exist.kit edu
B. Sc. +49 721 608 - 47824 marc zaineh does-not-exist.kit edu
Marcel Mott
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47816 marcel mott does-not-exist.kit edu
Matthias Müller
Dr.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 47847 matthias mueller does-not-exist.kit edu
Milad Kashef
Dipl.-Ing. (SFI/IWE) +49 721 608 - 43648 milad kashef does-not-exist.partner kit edu
Nicolas Hiltscher
M.Sc. (SFI/IWE) +49 721 608 - 47848 nicolas hiltscher does-not-exist.kit edu
Normann Schulze
B.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47818 normann schulze does-not-exist.kit edu
Paul Toasa
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Math. M.Sc. +49 721 608-44079 paul toasa does-not-exist.kit edu
Peter Haase, M.Sc.
M.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47831 peter haase does-not-exist.kit edu
Sebastian Häring
B.Sc. +49 721 608 - 47813 sebastian haering does-not-exist.kit edu
Dipl.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 42215 thomas zeeb does-not-exist.kit edu
M.A. +49 721 608 - 41918 ulrike lennartz does-not-exist.kit edu
Dipl.-Ing. +49 721 608 - 47835 viola ertelt does-not-exist.kit edu
1 additional person visible within KIT only.