Research Projects of the KIT Steel and Lightweight Structures

The research foci of KIT Steel and Lightweight Structures are partly based on a very long tradition, but at the same time they are gradually developing further. Therefore, the research foci are not to be regarded as static, but must always be understood in a temporal context.
The following main research priorities can currently be identified:
- Upgrading and refurbishment of building components, structural elements, infrastructures and buildings
- Fatigue of metallic materials
- Bonding technology & hybrid construction methods
- Digital life cycle engineering
- Shell Structures
- Sandwich elements
- Hollow profile constructions
- Cast steel
The overview of research projects from 2010 onwards illustrates and specifies the wide range of research content.
Research projects starting before 2010
The overview of completed research projects with a project start before 2010 is limited to selected projects.