Experimental and numerical investigation of the damping properties of bonded structures under dynamic loading (P 1272)
- contact:
- project group:
Kleb- und Fügetechnik
- funding:
- Partner:
Universität Paderborn, Laboratorium für Werkstoff- und Fügetechnik
Universität Kassel, Institut für Mechanik
- startdate:
2018 - 2021

Components, their connections and entire structures are exposed to dynamic stresses in a wide range of industries. Resource efficiency requires more and more lighter and slimmer constructions across all industries. These show an increased susceptibility to dynamic excitation and the associated vibration phenomena with constant or increasing stresses. Vibrations in turn lead to an increase in the stresses on the structure and its connections.
Adhesives based on epoxy resins and polyurethanes can be modified in such a way that, in addition to excellent strength, they also have good damping properties. The viscoelastic material behavior of the adhesive results in material damping, which contributes to structural damping. So far, however, it has not been clarified how dynamically stressed structures with bonded joints can be optimized to take advantage of the beneficial damping properties of viscoelastic adhesives during dynamic tuning. Within the scope of the planned research project, therefore, the performance of bonded joints is to be investigated and modeled with special consideration of the damping properties.
In the context of vibration stress, the need to investigate the damping behaviour arises for the application areas of steel construction, automotive engineering and vibration machinery and plant engineering.
Within the scope of the proposed project, a new methodology for the consideration of damping adhesive layer properties of dynamically stressed structures will be developed. The focus will be on the experimental as well as numerical identification and characterization of the damping properties of bonded joints. The targeted development progress can lead to an increase in efficiency and economy in the fields of steel, automotive as well as vibration machines and plant engineering.
The aim of the research project is the development of a concept for the safe calculation and evaluation of the damping properties of dynamically stressed bonded lap and plug-in joints. The concept should be applicable to constructions and structures from steel, automotive, vibration machine and plant engineering. In detail, the following research results are to be achieved, among others:
- Selection and characterization of suitable adhesives with a focus on the analysis of damping properties.
- Development and implementation of a mathematical model to describe the damping behaviour of the selected adhesives
- Identification of material parameters and verification of the model on basic tests
- Validation of the developed model on the basis of technological and component-like samples
- Development of a simplified computational model to consider the damping properties of bonded joints
- Provision of a material model in a commercial software for transfer into the application