Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Schmied
- Sandwich Panels, Glass and Plastic Construction, Fire Tests, External Monitoring, Laboratory Tests
by arrangement
129 Geb.10.70
+49 721 608 - 46000
juergen schmied ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Versuchsanstalt für Stahl, Holz und Steine
Otto-Ammann-Platz 1
76131 Karlsruhe
Focuses of work and research:
- Supervision of building products
- Examinations in the area of approval procedures
- Trapezoid-, waffle-, facade- elements
- Sandwich panels
- Light weight construction
- Corrosion protection (estimate of long term behavior of sheet plates with metallic and organic coatings)
- Plastic construction (estimate of long term behavior of building parts made of plastic)
- Tutorial in "Kunststoffbau I"
- Tutorial in "Kunststoffbau II"
Focuses of work and research:
- Supervision of building products
- Examinations in the area of approval procedures
- Trapezoid-, waffle-, facade- elements
- Sandwich panels
- Light weight construction
- Corrosion protection (estimate of long term behavior of sheet plates with metallic and organic coatings)
- Plastic construction (estimate of long term behavior of building parts made of plastic)
- Tutorial in "Kunststoffbau I"
- Tutorial in "Kunststoffbau II"