Verification of the extrapolation rules in DIN EN 15254 Part 5 for the fire resistance of walls made of self-supporting sandwich panels
- contact:
- funding:
DIBt, PPA-Europe, IFBS
- Partner:
MPA Braunschweig
- startdate:
2018 - 2020

Brief description
The fire resistance of non-load-bearing walls is determined by fire resistance tests according to DIN EN 1364-1:2015-09. Since the test furnaces have a standard dimension of 3m x 3m and the sandwich elements form a membrane-like load-bearing behaviour during the test due to the detachment of the face layer facing the source of the fire, it is difficult to transfer the test results to larger dimensions in real structures. Rules of application are needed for this purpose. The parameters required for an extended application and their interaction are presented in the European standard EN 15254-5:2018-05. However, the rules have been insufficiently verified so far. Within the scope of this research project, fire resistance tests will be carried out, through which the scope of application will be validated. The aim of the investigations is to verify the application rules (EXtended APplication rules) required for the construction of fire compartments with sandwich elements with steel face sheets and a core of mineral wool and to adapt them if necessary.
- Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik
- European Association for Panels and Profiles (PPA-Europe)
- Forschungsinstitut für Wärmeschutz e.V. München
- IBS - Institut für Brandschutztechnik und Sicherheitsforschung Ges.m.b.H.
- Internationalen Verband für den Metallleichtbau (IFBS)
- Materialprüfanstalt für das Bauwesen, Fachbereich Brandschutz
- Metecno Bausysteme GmbH